Need help with your Asbestos Removal in Bedford?
We can help with your project. Contact us to find out how.
Our Experience in Bedford
Located just north of Bedford we are perfectly positioned to provide a comprehensive and complete service. We have undertaken asbestos removal projects of all shapes and size in Bedford and the surrounding area. These include offices, domestic properties, industrial properties, schools and colleges.
Bedford Asbestos Removal and Remediation Services
Jackson Environmental have over 30 years’ experience in the identification, containment and controlled removal of all types of asbestos. We have the experience and ‘in house’ resources to deliver a comprehensive and professional service for our clients every asbestos requirement.
We undertake the full range of asbestos works in Bedford & Bedfordshire, including:
Asbestos Insulation Board (AIB)
Commonly used as a fireproofing material but it has many other uses such as partition walls, ceiling tiles, soffits, fireproofing panels, lift shaft linings and window panels.
Pipe Insulation / Lagging
Mostly found in/on heating systems such as around boilers or clarifiers and around pipework. This type of asbestos has many different appearances but is mostly a fibrous material which flakes and powders easily. When applied to pipes it is often covered in a protective coating (or painted) which can be any colour, and may make it more difficult to identify.
Sprayed Coating
Most commonly insulation on the underside of roofs and sometimes sides of buildings and warehouse. It was also used as fire protection on steel and reinforced concrete beams/columns and on the underside of floors.
Textured Coating (Artex)
Used to produce decorative finishes on ceilings and walls. Most commonly referred to by the trade name Artex and bonded to either concrete or plasterboard. Textured coating can be removed with the plasterboard allowing for a new ceiling and decoration.
Vinyl Floor Tiles & Bitumen Adhesive
A very common choice for flooring and often found hidden underneath newer carpets/flooring. Vinyl floor tiles can be removed and the bitumen adhesive beneath either encapsulated or removed using specialist plant & equipment.
Asbestos Cement Roof Sheets & Rainwater Products
Asbestos cement is mainly a mixture of chrysotile (white asbestos) and cement, moulded and compressed to produce a range of asbestos cement products. Including corrugated asbestos cement roof and cladding sheets commonly found on industrial or farm buildings and domestic garages.
Asbestos Textiles
(such as gaskets and rope seals)
Asbestos Encapsulation
A safe and cost effective means of preventing further release of harmful fibres. Asbestos encapsulation can be carried out where practical. Impervious sealants can be applied to asbestos containing materials.
Environmental Cleaning
Defined by ARCA as the removal of asbestos contamination consisting of loose, non-adhered dust, or friable debris which can be removed using an H class vacuum, damp rags or tak rags. Environmental cleaning is an often necessary solution to preventing the further release of harmful fibres.
Asbestos Contaminated Soil / Ground
Asbestos contamination is commonly identified in soil / ground as a result of historical poor removal and disposal practices. Jackson Environmental have vast experience in the extraction and treatment of non-hazardous and hazardous contaminated soil / ground. Identifying suitable treatment strategies and ensuring best value for our clients
Asbestos Collection & Disposal
Due to the hazardous nature of asbestos, it must be transported and disposed of in accordance with the Hazardous Waste Regulations. Jackson Environmental operate a licensed waste transfer station and hold a Waste Carriers Licence issued by the EA. Our drivers are trained in ADR Dangerous Goods transportation. We are able to collect and dispose of fly tipped asbestos waste as well as domestic and industrial asbestos waste in very small quantities up to skip loads.
24 hour emergency callout
We have been offering this service for many years ensuring peace of mind to our clients and keeping risk to the public an absolute minimum.

Our Resources
Our highly experienced management team are supported by a cast of accomplished site supervisors and operatives. Our staff are superbly trained in all aspects of their role and highly motivated to delivering a service that exceeds our clients expectations.
All of our employees are ARCA trained in the use of the latest asbestos removal techniques and undergo regular training updates on changes in legislation and company procedure.
Processes on site are recorded, monitored and audited using an automated system ensuring close and accurate monitoring of our compliance and adherence to best practice, company procedures and current legislation.
In support of our staff Jackson Environmental invest heavily in the latest plant, transport and equipment . All of our resources are owned in house. This is continually updated to ensure we are at the forefront of the asbestos removal industry and able to provide a high quality specialised service without delay.
We operate a state of the art workshop and team of mechanics to ensure we are operational on site and fulfilling our promises.
Our Licenses & Accreditations
We are registered with the Environment Agency as a carrier of ‘controlled waste’ and have a waste transfer station licenced to accept asbestos waste.
We are members of the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA). Currently holding the Gold Award for both the ARCA audit scheme and training.
Jackson Environmental also hold accreditations with CHAS and Constructionline.
Our Experience in Bedford
Site: Multiple Housing Associations in BedfordScope: Removal of asbestos and reinstatement of fire stopping at 27 multiple occupation properties in Bedford
Jackson Environmental were awarded the contract by BPHA Housing Association for removal of asbestos and reinstatement of fire stopping at 27 of their multi occupation properties in Bedford.
We were Principle Contractor for the project which involved the removal of AIB ceiling board & door headers from stairwells and other communal areas and reinstatement of removed items in accordance with Building Regulations (2010) to maintain fire stopping.
All of the properties were occupied and BPHA required that all tenants would be allowed safe access to their properties between 17.00 and 08.30.
Careful planning and tenant liaison was required and close cooperation with the Client appointed analytical company (Thames Laboratories) would be crucial in the satisfactory delivery of this demanding project.
We designed each asbestos proof enclosure to minimise disruption to tenants and allocated large site teams and resources to ensure that each enclosure was completed by 17.00 each day.
Our in house reinstatement teams ensured that fire stopping was installed in line with the programme.

In all the work was carried out in 57 separate enclosures and at no time were any tenants denied access to their homes outside of the agreed times
The project was completed in 14 weeks.